The God Question

Jan 31, 2021    Psalm 19 & Psalm 3

Whether you’re a Christian or not, spiritual or secular in your thinking, you’ve wondered about God. Is God real? If He is, can I know Him? Does He see me? Does He care about me? How is He relevant to my life?

To answer the God question, we must look at two things – the universe and the Bible, God’s world and God’s book. That’s what King David when he wondered about the God question. His answer is found in two psalms in the Old Testament, Psalm 19 and Psalm 3. When David was a shepherd boy in Bethlehem looking at the stars at night, he wondered about God. When David became the king of Israel, he wondered about God. In Psalm 19 and Psalm 3, David explains why he believed God was both real and relevant. To paraphrase David from these two psalms, “When I look at the stars, I see the power of God. When I pray on my knees, I feel the love of God.”