"O come, let us worship"
Psalm 95:6
Every nation, every culture, and every tribe has its own language. And every nation, culture, and tribe has its own music. Music and singing are an expression of the human heart, And there are all kinds of music. Happy music and sad music. Pop music and classical music. All music is an expression of the human heart, an expression of human emotion.
But worship is more than music. Worship is acknowledging the worth of God. Worship is the soul’s assessment of God. Worship is theological declaration about and a relational encounter with God.
It’s realizing how small we are and how big He is. It’s rejoicing in His love and mercy and goodness. It’s showing reverence for His majesty, power, and sovereignty. It’s running to Him as our Father and kneeling before Him as holy. It’s an expression of the love and respect we have for Him. Worship is the privilege of coming into the presence of God, of running to our Father, to the one who loves the most, and proved it be sending His Son Jesus to rescue us. That’s why we worship.
But worship is more than music. Worship is acknowledging the worth of God. Worship is the soul’s assessment of God. Worship is theological declaration about and a relational encounter with God.
It’s realizing how small we are and how big He is. It’s rejoicing in His love and mercy and goodness. It’s showing reverence for His majesty, power, and sovereignty. It’s running to Him as our Father and kneeling before Him as holy. It’s an expression of the love and respect we have for Him. Worship is the privilege of coming into the presence of God, of running to our Father, to the one who loves the most, and proved it be sending His Son Jesus to rescue us. That’s why we worship.