Hope, Because He Promises to Help
Sometimes, problems rip through our lives like a tornado rips through a city. And when the storm comes, we need a place to go. The Bible describes God as “a shelter from the storm” (Isaiah 25:4). Time and time again, David ran to God for shelter, and time and time again, God was his help. In so many of his psalms, David wrote about God’s love and care, about God’s guidance and protection. He also thanked God for His tenderness. “You keep track of all my sorrows,” David said, “You have collected all my tears in your bottle” (Psalm 56:8). If that was true for David, then it’s true for us. God is aware of our tears, our hurts, our worries, our problems. Not only does He know what we’re going through, He promises to help. And that gives us hope. Hope, because God promises to be there when we need Him most.
Psalm 25 is a page from David’s personal prayer journal. This psalm reveals David’s great distress and his great hope. As we read it, it may express what you’re feeling these days. If so, then listen to how David pours out his heart to God and be encouraged that you can pour out your heart to God too.