Persevere - Fulfill Your Ministry

Aug 9, 2020

True significance is found in answering the call of God on our lives, in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. As recipients of the grace of God, surely in response, our greatest desire is to live for Him, to love Him, and to honor Him in all we do.

2 Timothy 4:5, Paul wrote these words to Timothy. “Be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” You can hear the intensity and urgency in Paul’s words. Eighteen words. Four rapid-fire phrases. “Timothy, be sober, be alert. Keep your eyes open and be wise as you walk in this world. Endure hardship when things get tough. Have the courage to keep your convictions and have the faith to keep trusting God. And preach the Gospel. Keep talking about Jesus and keep pointing people to Jesus. This is God’s purpose for your life. Persevere. Endure. Fulfill your ministry.”

This is a personal letter, written from one man to another, but it is also written to us. It is the inspired word of God with a message for us today. As recipients of the amazing grace of God, fulfill God’s purpose for your life by being available and alert to be used by God to whomever, whenever, and wherever.