Persevere - In the Minority

Jul 26, 2020

All of us have seen many moral shifts in our lifetime. We see radical and distressing moral shifts and find ourselves saying, “I never thought I’d see the day when …” When we observe the world around us, we feel more and more like a minority, and we are. How does that make us feel? We can feel outnumbered, intimidated, and hopeless. We can feel bullied into silence, or worse, be tempted to doubt if what we believe is right when so many others disagree.

There are three ways we can respond to this. One, we can adopt an attitude of tolerance. Just go with the flow and accept the moral drift of our culture thinking it won’t affect our families. Two, we can think of the culture as the enemy. We can hide behind the brick wall of Christianity and act like victims of the big bad culture. Or three, we can adopt the attitude of Jesus, who said, “I came to seek and to save that which was lost.” Jesus said we are “not of this world,” yet He has “sent us into the world.”

Difficult times call for distinctive lives. As Christians, in order to survive and thrive, and point people to Jesus, our faith and our love must be authentic and distinct.