Persevere - Rekindle the Fire
It happens to all of us. Sometimes, the fire of our faith is not as hot or bright as it used to be. Once we worshiped with joy, prayed with faith, and every time we read the Bible insight jumped off the page. Then one day, we realize the fire of our faith is not as hot or bright as it used to be. We’re not even sure when or how it happened. So, what can we do about it?
Paul urged Timothy to "kindle afresh the gift of God that is in you." How do we maintain our spiritual passion?
Tucked in the middle of his letter to Timothy, Paul said, “Remember Jesus Christ.” Never forget the love and sacrifice and grace of Jesus. Jesus gave His all for us, how could we give less than our all for Him? As recipients of grace, He means everything to us. That’s why we desire to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
To do that, we must persevere. We must “Kindle afresh the gift of God ... be strong in the Lord ... fight the good fight, finish the course, keep the faith.”