Persevere - Finish Well
Paul wrote this letter to Timothy from the infamous Mamertine Prison in Rome. It was a 700-year-old ancient cistern. It was dark, damp, and filled with stench and disease. Paul’s death sentence had already been issued. Yet, he knew his true reward awaited him. His faith was unwavering. He was convinced that very soon he would see Jesus face to face.
By the time Timothy received this letter, Paul was already dead. Imagine all the emotions Timothy felt as he read this letter. Paul was his mentor. Paul was his father in the faith. He loved him. Surely, he was overcome with grief. He would never see Paul again, but he had Paul’s words in his hands. This summer, we have studied those words. The intensity and urgency of those words. Line after line, Paul urging Timothy to persevere in his faith, and urging us to do the same.
Paul finished his rapid-fire list of exhortations for Timothy, and came to his great conclusion. We wrote about meeting God. He had no fear, no regret, no sadness. He wrote this final paragraph with a clear conscience. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." Paul finished well. Will you?