When we add up all the promises in the Bible on prayer, there is no better offer in the universe! And we can sum up God’s offer with two words – relationship and request. Prayer is enjoying relationship with God and making request of God. Prayer is the means through which we live in personal relationship with Him. It is the means through which we experience and enjoy His presence. Prayer is conversational, as if we were sitting down and enjoying dinner conversation with God. Prayer is also the means through we which pour out our hearts to Him. It’s the means through which we ask of God and receive from God. Prayer is enjoying relationship with God and making request of God.
There is so much in the Bible about prayer that it would take years to cover it all, much less in one message. So, the best thing we can do today is to start with Jesus’ first lesson on prayer. The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). His answer is in His famous Sermon on the Mount. By going back to that moment, we too can sit at Jesus’ feet and learn how to pray from Him.